06 November 2011

New Computer

Well... I did it. I went out and purchased a new computer. I was assisted greatly at the local Best Buy. The guys that assisted me today were absolutely great! They were able to answer all of my questions that I had about the computers and get me set up for my needs.

I came home with a 21.5" iMac 500 Gb (included- magic mouse and keyboard), 2T Time Capsule, magic track pad, and a 2 year (re-newable) warranty that will cover my computer if the screen decides to blow.  The whole package listed above came to about $200 more than the package that I had originally decided on- except it didn't include the external HD or track pad and was with my employee discount. Best Buy certainly had a nice deal on the price of the computers right now.

Needless to say, I am thrilled! The computer is now all set up and I am typing on it right now to write this blog. Next weekend I will be loading the Adobe CS5 Suite so that I can get some graphic design kicked out and start on a nice website to promote my work and myself to potential employers.

Sadly, tomorrow starts my work week which includes a 3-4 hour round trip each day. Joy. I seriously need to work on getting my website of work and resume up and ready so I can start sending out my resumes en mass.

In other news I finally made some great progress unpacking some of the last boxes. I only moved in mid September. Yeah, I am not one of the people that feels compelled to have everything out and settled before bed. I am perfectly content with having the necessities out and then slowly putting things in their place.

Well, I am going to go catch up on my few remaining shows left on my DVR then it is off to bed. 5am comes way too soon!


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